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See the complete documentation, or the API help for more information.

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                    "text": "AppRpt Central - GitHub repository featuring software and information to setup your own AllStarLink/PTTLink technology based network ASL-AsteriskNG - Announcing the ASL-AsteriskNG client. Slated to the be the future ASL 1.10 release. Switching To PTTLink - Information on how to switch to using the PTTLink servers. ASL FAQ - Questions and answers about the AllStarLink/PTTLink software distribution. Credits & Contributions - Recognizing everyone who had contributed over years and made this possible (A largely incomplete list). Allmon2 - Allmon2 step by step instructions for install and setup Allmon2. Change call sign - Step by step call sign change on site and node. Change node password - Step by step call sign change passwords. Features - A list of the features found in AllStarLink/PTTLink Find my node number - How can you find your node number(s) on your ASL/PTT account. How To's - A collection of AllStarLink/PTTLink how to's. Node Configuration - Detailed configuration settings. NNX - Node Number Extensions. Expand any issued node number to as many as 10 node numbers. Troubleshooting - Troubleshooting common problems, things to try, and hints to solve the problem. Radio Connections - Instructions to Connect Radios, Repeaters and Other Devices to AllStarLink/PTTLink. Radioless Nodes - Information for setting up a radioless AllStarLink/PTTLink node. PSTN Node Access - Information on setting up your node for private access using a telephone instead of a radio. Beginners Guide - Step by step instructions to create your account and AllStarLink/PTTLink node. Beginners Guide ASL-AsteriskNG - Step by step instructions to create your account and AllStarLink/PTTLink node with ASL-AsteriskNG. Docker MediaWiki Server - Information on how to setup your own wiki using MediaWiki and Docker. Useful for creating your own knowledge base/information store. MikroTik - Information on MikroTik software/device configuration for use with AllStarLink/PTTLink (Install on VPS, AMPRNet configuration, etc). VPN - Information on setting up various VPN connections/software with AllStarLink/PTTLink (OpenVPN, WireGuard, IPSEC, L2TP, TINC, SoftEther, etc). VOTER - Information about the Voice Observing Time Extension for Radio (VOTER) hardware and protocol. Guia para principaintes - Configuraci\u00f3n paso a paso de AllStarLink/PTTLink para principiantes. Gu\u00eda para principaintes ASL-AsteriskNG - Configuraci\u00f3n paso a paso de AllStarLink/PTTLink ASL-AsteriskNG para principiantes. Instalaci\u00f3n de Allmon2 - Instalaci\u00f3n y configuraci\u00f3n de Allmon2 para principiantes. Resetear contrase\u00f1a AllStarLink/PTTLink - Como resetear la contrase\u00f1a de su cuenta en el sitio AllStarLink/PTTLink. Cambiar el indicativo - Gu\u00eda paso a paso para cambiar indicativo en el sitio y el nodo. Ver mi n\u00famero de nodo - Como ver tu n\u00famero de nodo(s) en tu cuenta de AllStarLink/PTTLink. Cambiar la contrase\u00f1a de un nodo - Gu\u00eda paso a paso para cambiar la contrase\u00f1a en un nodo. ASL AMD Latest AllStarLink/PTTLink installer for x86/AMD (main site) ASL AMD Latest AllStarLink/PTTLink installer for x86/AMD (alternative site) Raspberry Pi Latest AllStarLink/PTTLink image for the Raspberry Pi AllStarLink/PTTLink Repo AllStarLink/PTTLink Image Repository Note: The AllStarLink/PTTLink 1.01 installer is a Network installer and still uses the site to download the .deb install files. ASL AMD \u00daltima versi\u00f3n del instalador de AllStarLink/PTTLink para x86/AMD (sitio principal). ASL AMD \u00daltima versi\u00f3n del instalador de AllStarLink/PTTLink para x86/AMD (sitio alterno). Raspberry Pi \u00daltima versi\u00f3n de la imagen de AllStarLink/PTTLink para Raspberry Pi. Development - Information regarding development of the AllStarLink/PTTLink software (i.e., contributing, etc). Public APIs - Public \"APIs\" for retrieving information on the current network/node status Compiling - Building PTTLink from source DAHDI Dummy - How to fix audio stutter on AllStarLink/PTTLink based Raspberry PI images IAX Text Protocol - app_rpt iax text frame protocol Debian Packaging - Information on how to create .deb package files for Debian based distributions AllStarLink, Inc. Information Page - Information about AllStarLink, current organization status, Directors, Board of Governors, etc. AllStarLink, Inc. Bylaws - The current AllStarLink Bylaws. AllStarLink, Inc Official Meeting Minutes - Archive of AllStarLink Meeting minutes. PTTLink Organization - Information regarding PTTLink, News and Updates, etc. Letter to the community - Letter to the community. Tells how and why PTTLink was formed and who PTTLink is Carta a la comunidad - Carta a la comunidad. El com\u00f3 y por qu\u00e9 se form\u00f3 PTTLink y qui\u00e9n es PTTLink. PTTLink Portal - If you are looking to set up your own PTTLink/AllStarLink node. PTTLink Portal Nodelist - The searchable and sortable node list. PTTLink Stats - shows all the existing public nodes. AllStarLink/PTTLink users mailing list- This is the app_rpt mailing list for discussion, help and helping others. This is the only group that developers monitor and respond on. Source Code - All of the source code for the AllStarLink/PTTLink Asterisk and app_rpt is available on GitHub. History from the Duuude, Jim Dixon, WB6NIL (SK 12/16/2016). Thru-hole Voter Board from Jim Dixon PTTLink and the forking of the AllStarLink Network - You can read more about this fork and why PTTLink was formed. Git - The Simple Guide - A handy reference for getting started with Git. Git Crash Course - A beginner's guide to using Git. Git from the Bottom Up - An explanation of how git works from the bottom up. Ryans Tutorials - Linux Tutorial - Cheat Sheet Handy Cheat Sheet of Linux commands. Linux Upskill Challenge - A month-long course aimed at building basic Linux skills. The Linux Training Foundation - Introduction to Linux A free eight week course with optional certificate that teaches how to use Linux. Linux Security for Beginners - A free guide on how to secure your Linux system (for the beginner). MITx's Circuits and Electronics XSeries Program - Free MITx courses to further your knowledge of circuits and electronics. U.S. Navy NEETS Modules - The U.S. Navy's Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series (NEETS) modules are 24 publicly available modules that are part of the Navy's Non-Resident Training Series and cover multiple topics. Applied Engineering Principles Manual - Naval Sea Systems Command Training Manual on Applied Engineering Principles contains comprehensive sections on electricity, electronics, and circuits. Which Way Does Current Really Flow? - Article describing the flow of current. Getting Licensed - ARRL Guide to getting your Amateur Radio License r/pttlink - PTTLink Subreddit r/amateurradio - Amateur/Ham Radio Subreddit List of Amateur Radio Organizations - Wikipedia list that provides a links Amateur Radio Organizations all over the world. \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0[top] Historical Archive - The AllStarLink/PTTLink Historical Archive section. Contains items that are no longer relevant but retained for historical purposes and reference. PTTLink Data Use Policy - Policy for using PTTLink generated data. Official Minutes of the 14 February 2021 Membership Meeting Note: AllStar is a registered trademark of AllStarLink, Inc.",
                    "source_text": "__INDEX__\n{{fmbox\n| image     = none\n| textstyle = background-color:#ffffff; color:#000; clear:both; position:relative; margin:1.2em 0 6px; min-width:47em; text-align:center;font-size: 24px; color: #ff6600;\n| text      = '''Welcome to the AllStarLink/PTTLink Wiki'''}}\n{{Warning | imageright=[[File:OOjs_UI_icon_notice-warning.svg|40px]] |heading=14 February 2021 - The AllStarLink, Inc. Board of Directors has been changed<ref name\"14FEB20Meeting\">[[Media:2021-02-14_Minutes_of_the_ASL_Members_meeting_-_Feb_14%2C_2021.pdf|Official Minutes of the 14 February 2021 Membership Meeting]]</ref> | center=y | You can read more about this on the [[ASLCorporate:The_Organization_-_AllStarLink_Inc.|The Organization - AllStarLink, Inc.]] Wiki page }}\n<br/>\n{{fmbox\n| image     = none\n| textstyle = background-color:#ccddff; color:#000; clear:both; position:relative; margin:1.2em 0 6px;\n| text      = AllStarLink/PTTLink is a world wide network of [ Amateur Radio] repeaters, remote base stations and hot spots accessible to each other via the Internet and/or private IP networks.  PTTLink/AllStarLink runs on a dedicated Linux computer (including the [ Raspberry Pi]) that you host at your home, radio site, clubhouse, school, university, workplace, or computer center. It is based on the open source Asterisk PBX and is released under the GNU GPL -- it is free for anyone to use.  The core of AllStarLink/PTTLink is the powerful app_rpt application and associated modules that load into the Asterisk PBX system which is also released under the GPL v2 license.}}\n<div style=\"float:right\">__TOC__</div>\n \n== AppRpt Central ==\n*[ AppRpt Central] - GitHub repository featuring software and information to setup your own AllStarLink/PTTLink technology based network\n\n== ASL-AsteriskNG ==\n*[[ASL-AsteriskNG]] - Announcing the ASL-AsteriskNG client.  Slated to the be the future ASL 1.10 release.\n\n== How To & Guides ==\n===How To===\n*[[Switching To PTTLink]] - Information on how to switch to using the PTTLink servers.\n*[[ASL FAQ]] - Questions and answers about the AllStarLink/PTTLink software distribution.\n*[[Credits & Contributions]] - Recognizing everyone who had contributed over years and made this possible (A largely incomplete list).\n*[[Allmon2]] - Allmon2 step by step instructions for install and setup Allmon2. \n*[[Change call sign]] - Step by step call sign change on site and node.\n*[[Change node password]] - Step by step call sign change passwords.\n*[[Features]] - A list of the features found in AllStarLink/PTTLink\n*[[Find my node number]] - How can you find your node number(s) on your ASL/PTT account.\n*[[:Category:How to|How To's]] - A collection of AllStarLink/PTTLink how to's.\n*[[:Category:Node Configuration|Node Configuration]] - Detailed configuration settings.\n*[[NNX]] - Node Number Extensions.  Expand any issued node number to as many as 10 node numbers.\n*[[Troubleshooting]] - Troubleshooting common problems, things to try, and hints to solve the problem.\n*[[Radio Connections]] - Instructions to Connect Radios, Repeaters and Other Devices to AllStarLink/PTTLink.\n*[[Radioless Nodes]] - Information for setting up a radioless AllStarLink/PTTLink node.\n*[[PSTN Node Access]] - Information on setting up your node for private access using a telephone instead of a radio.\n\n===Guides===\n*[[Beginners Guide]] - Step by step instructions to create your account and AllStarLink/PTTLink node. \n*[[Beginners Guide ASL-AsteriskNG]] - Step by step instructions to create your account and AllStarLink/PTTLink node with ASL-AsteriskNG.\n*[[Docker MediaWiki Server]] - Information on how to setup your own wiki using MediaWiki and Docker.  Useful for creating your own knowledge base/information store.\n*[[MikroTik]] - Information on MikroTik software/device configuration for use with AllStarLink/PTTLink (Install on VPS, AMPRNet configuration, etc).\n*[[VPN]] - Information on setting up various VPN connections/software with AllStarLink/PTTLink (OpenVPN, WireGuard, IPSEC, L2TP, TINC, SoftEther, etc).\n*[[VOTER]] - Information about the Voice Observing Time Extension for Radio (VOTER) hardware and protocol.\n\n== Como Hacer ==\n*[[Guia para principaintes]] - Configuraci\u00f3n paso a paso de AllStarLink/PTTLink para principiantes.\n*[[Gu\u00eda para principaintes ASL-AsteriskNG]] - Configuraci\u00f3n paso a paso de AllStarLink/PTTLink ASL-AsteriskNG para principiantes.\n*[[Instalaci\u00f3n de Allmon2]] - Instalaci\u00f3n y configuraci\u00f3n de Allmon2 para principiantes.\n*[[Resetear contrase\u00f1a ASL|Resetear contrase\u00f1a]] AllStarLink/PTTLink - Como resetear la contrase\u00f1a de su cuenta en el sitio AllStarLink/PTTLink.\n*[[Cambiar el indicativo]] - Gu\u00eda paso a paso para cambiar indicativo en el sitio y  el nodo.\n*[[Ver mi n\u00famero de nodo]] - Como ver tu n\u00famero de nodo(s) en tu cuenta de AllStarLink/PTTLink.\n*[[Cambiar la contrase\u00f1a de un nodo]] - Gu\u00eda paso a paso para cambiar la contrase\u00f1a en un nodo.\n\n== Downloads ==\n*[ ASL AMD] Latest AllStarLink/PTTLink installer for x86/AMD (main site)\n*[ ASL AMD] Latest AllStarLink/PTTLink installer for x86/AMD (alternative site)\n*[ Raspberry Pi] Latest AllStarLink/PTTLink image for the Raspberry Pi\n*[ AllStarLink/PTTLink Repo] AllStarLink/PTTLink Image Repository\n\nNote:  The AllStarLink/PTTLink 1.01 installer is a Network installer and still uses the site to download the .deb install files.\n\n== Descargas ==\n*[ ASL AMD] \u00daltima versi\u00f3n del instalador de AllStarLink/PTTLink para x86/AMD (sitio principal).\n*[ ASL AMD] \u00daltima versi\u00f3n del instalador de AllStarLink/PTTLink para x86/AMD (sitio alterno).\n*[ Raspberry Pi] \u00daltima versi\u00f3n de la imagen de AllStarLink/PTTLink para Raspberry Pi.\n\n== Development/Building ==\n*[[:Category:Development|Development]] - Information regarding development of the AllStarLink/PTTLink software (i.e., contributing, etc).\n*[[Public APIs]] - Public \"APIs\" for retrieving information on the current network/node status\n*[[Compiling]] - Building PTTLink from source\n*[[Dahdi_dummy|DAHDI Dummy]] - How to fix audio stutter on AllStarLink/PTTLink based Raspberry PI images\n*[[IAX Text Protocol]] - app_rpt iax text frame protocol\n*[[Debian Packaging]] - Information on how to create .deb package files for Debian based distributions\n\n== Organizations ==\n=== About AllStarLink ===\n*[[ASLCorporate:The_Organization_-_AllStarLink_Inc.|AllStarLink, Inc. Information Page]] - Information about AllStarLink, current organization status, Directors, Board of Governors, etc.\n*[ AllStarLink, Inc. Bylaws] - The current AllStarLink Bylaws.\n*[[ASLCorporate:ASL_Meeting_Minutes|AllStarLink, Inc Official Meeting Minutes]] - Archive of AllStarLink Meeting minutes.\n=== About PTTLink ===\n*[[PTTLink Organization]] - Information regarding PTTLink, News and Updates, etc.\n*[[Letter to the community]] - Letter to the community.  Tells how and why PTTLink was formed and who PTTLink is\n*[[Carta a la comunidad]] - Carta a la comunidad. El com\u00f3 y por qu\u00e9 se form\u00f3 PTTLink y qui\u00e9n es PTTLink.\n\n== Related Links ==\n*[ PTTLink Portal] - If you are looking to set up your own PTTLink/AllStarLink node.\n*[ PTTLink Portal Nodelist] - The searchable and sortable node list.\n*[ PTTLink Stats] - shows all the existing public nodes.\n*[ AllStarLink/PTTLink users mailing list]-  This is the app_rpt mailing list for discussion, help and helping others.  '''This is the only group that developers monitor and respond on.'''\n*[ Source Code] - All of the source code for the AllStarLink/PTTLink Asterisk and app_rpt is available on GitHub.\n\n== History ==\n*[[History]] from the Duuude, Jim Dixon, WB6NIL (SK 12/16/2016).\n*[[Thru-hole_Voter_Board|Thru-hole Voter Board]] from Jim Dixon\n*[| PTTLink and the forking of the AllStarLink Network] - You can read more about this fork and why PTTLink was formed.\n\n== References ==\n*[ Git - The Simple Guide] - A handy reference for getting started with Git.\n*[ Git Crash Course] - A beginner's guide to using Git.\n*[ Git from the Bottom Up] - An explanation of how git works from the bottom up.\n*[ Ryans Tutorials - Linux Tutorial - Cheat Sheet] Handy Cheat Sheet of Linux commands.\n\n== Resources ==\n=== Linux Training ===\n*[ Linux Upskill Challenge] - A month-long course aimed at building basic Linux skills.\n*[ The Linux Training Foundation - Introduction to Linux] A free eight week course with optional certificate that teaches how to use Linux.\n*[ Linux Security for Beginners] - A free guide on how to secure your Linux system (for the beginner).\n=== Electronics ===\n*[ MITx's Circuits and Electronics XSeries Program] - Free MITx courses to further your knowledge of circuits and electronics.\n*[[NEETS|U.S. Navy NEETS Modules]] - The U.S. Navy's Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series (NEETS) modules are 24 publicly available modules that are part of the Navy's Non-Resident Training Series and cover multiple topics.\n*[ Applied Engineering Principles Manual] - Naval Sea Systems Command Training Manual on Applied Engineering Principles contains comprehensive sections on electricity, electronics, and circuits.\n*[ Which Way Does Current Really Flow?] - Article describing the flow of current.\n\n=== Getting Licensed ===\n*[ Getting Licensed] - ARRL Guide to getting your Amateur Radio License\n\n=== Social Media ===\n*[ r/pttlink] - PTTLink Subreddit\n*[ r/amateurradio] - Amateur/Ham Radio Subreddit\n\n=== Miscellaneous ===\n*[ List of Amateur Radio Organizations] - Wikipedia list that provides a links Amateur Radio Organizations all over the world.\n\n== Other Information ==\n{{go to top}}\n*[[Historical Archive]] - The AllStarLink/PTTLink Historical Archive section.  Contains items that are no longer relevant but retained for historical purposes and reference.\n\n== Policies ==\n*[[PTTLink Data Use Policy]] - Policy for using PTTLink generated data.\n\n== References ==\n<references />\n----\n<br/>\n{{fmbox\n| image     = none\n| textstyle = background-color:#ffffff; color:#000; clear:both; position:relative; margin:1.2em 0 6px; text-align:left;font-size: 12px; color: #1a2adb;\n| text      = Wiki statistics:\n*Total pages on this wiki:    {{NUMBEROFPAGES}}\n*Total articles on this wiki: {{NUMBEROFARTICLES}}\n*Total files on this wiki:    {{NUMBEROFFILES}}\n*Total edits of this wiki:    {{NUMBEROFEDITS}}\n*Total users of this wiki:    {{NUMBEROFUSERS}}}}\n\n<sub>Note: AllStar is a registered trademark of AllStarLink, Inc.</sub>",
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                        "AppRpt Central",
                        "How To & Guides",
                        "How To",
                        "Como Hacer",
                        "About AllStarLink",
                        "About PTTLink",
                        "Related Links",
                        "Linux Training",
                        "Getting Licensed",
                        "Social Media",
                        "Other Information",
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                        "Welcome to the AllStarLink/PTTLink Wiki",
                        "14 February 2021 - The AllStarLink, Inc. Board of Directors has been changed You can read more about this on the The Organization - AllStarLink, Inc. Wiki page",
                        "AllStarLink/PTTLink is a world wide network of Amateur Radio repeaters, remote base stations and hot spots accessible to each other via the Internet and/or private IP networks. PTTLink/AllStarLink runs on a dedicated Linux computer (including the Raspberry Pi) that you host at your home, radio site, clubhouse, school, university, workplace, or computer center. It is based on the open source Asterisk PBX and is released under the GNU GPL -- it is free for anyone to use. The core of AllStarLink/PTTLink is the powerful app_rpt application and associated modules that load into the Asterisk PBX system which is also released under the GPL v2 license.",
                        "Wiki statistics: Total pages on this wiki: 4,066 Total articles on this wiki: 47 Total files on this wiki: 365 Total edits of this wiki: 6,668 Total users of this wiki: 1,301"
                    "display_title": null