Allmon2 Install
Allmon2 Setup.
Allmon2 Install.
The first thing to do is to log on your node as user 'repeater' command line, you can log in with a keyboard and monitor or using SSH as in the initial node setup.
Once you are there you have to type the following commands:
repeater@repeater:~$ sudo apt install git
repeater@repeater:~$ sudo git clone /var/www/html/allmon2
repeater@repeater:~$ cd /var/www/html/allmon2
repeater@repeater:~$ sudo mv allmon.ini.txt allmon.ini.php
repeater@repeater:~$ sudo mv controlpanel.ini.txt controlpanel.ini.php
Allmon2 Configuration.
Now you have to edit the allmon.ini.php file:
repeater@repeater:~$ sudo nano allmon.ini.php
- Change: the '500' number [500] to your node number.
- Change: host=
- Change: passwd=yourpassword
- (note: 'llcgi' is the default password acording to the initial node setup)
- Change: menu=yes
After making your changes type <CTRL> + <X> and then type <Y> followed by <Enter>. You will be back to the previous menu and choose <Back>.
repeater@repeater:~$ htpasswd -cB .htpasswd admin
repeater@repeater:~$ chmod 777 astdb.php
Allmon2 Test and Use.
Using your web browser go to:
Note: 192.168.x.x is your nodes IP.
There you can login with the user 'admin' and your password 'yourpassword'.