Whats Required
In order to deploy a remote base node, the following items will be required:
- An assigned dedicated node number (e.g. pttlink.org)
- A radio interface
- A radio interface cable
- A supported radio
- A new or existing PC host computer
Requesting an PTTLink Node Number for a Remote Base
Remote base nodes must be specifically requested from http://pttlink.org. When requesting a remote base node, check the box Rem. Base, and if the remote base is frequency agile, check the box Freq. Agile.
Radio Interface
A free port on a radio interface such as the Quad Radio PCI card, or the URI adapter must be made available for use by the remote base
Radio Interface Cable
A radio Interface cable must be constructed to interface the Radio to the Radio Interface. Links to schematics for a few of these cables are at the end of this book.
Supported Radios
This is a list of remote base radios which are currently supported in app_rpt:
- Dumb (Any radio, with no remote tuning capability)
- Kenwood TMG-707A
- Kenwoood TM-271
- Yaesu FT-897D
- Icom IC-706
Host Computer
Any PC running ACID or Limey Linux with a spare PCI Slot for the Quad Radio PCI card, or a spare USB port for the URI.