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This is the documentation page for Module:Iteration

This module contains the functions for different templates, solving their iteration problem

The Wikipedia template coding does not support the repetitive processing of a parameter set,
which leads often to a very primitive and long chain of parameter checks in the kind of
{{#if:{{{1|}}} | perform an action with parameter 1 }}
{{#if:{{{2|}}} | perform an action with parameter 2 }}
{{#if:{{{3|}}} | perform an action with parameter 3 }}
{{#if:{{{4|}}} | perform an action with parameter 4 }}
{{#if:{{{33|}}} perform an action with parameter 33 }}

with the disadvantage that such a construct will fail as soon as there comes a 34nd parm.

I always thought that with Lua and its for loops this iterations should be possible, somehow.
After long searching without any success and without an idea how to perform it, I asked at several forums

and got finally from User:Trappist the monk the helping hint to solve it with a control structure like

	local out = {}
	for i, v in ipairs (args) do
		table.insert (out, frame:expandTemplate{ title = title, args = v })
	return table.concat (out)

The functions contained therein are from very simple, just one parameter to pass,
to more complicated ones, where e.g. a pair of parameters needs kind of a flip-flop switch
when always a tuple of e.g. an item and its correlated text needs to be passed.

When there are tuples, triples etc., the table.insert occurs, when the last element is processed;
this performs problems when the last group is incomplete – it should be finished with empty values
to trigger the table.insert. The check with table.maxn seems not to work correctly ?
This problem is solved differently, for the function "attribs" with a primitive workaround.

File list templates

A very simple iteration, useable for everything, is performed by function:iterate.
The three "Ifim " templates avoid to display the file itself as an 'other version'.
There are currently five templates creating file lists with the function:filelist

  1. Other versions a vertical list (without initial)
  2. Filelist a horizontal list (without initial)
  3. Derivative versions a vertical list
  4. Derived from a vertical list
  5. File a horizontal list

All these templates are autoreferencing, and the support also the "gallery" option.

Other file lists

The function:svglang creates a list of just file_names and language_codes, for

  1. Svg lang
  2. Lang gallery
  3. Multilingual SVG diagrams

Much more is created by the function:ownbased for the template

  1. Own based

which will handle in the majority of cases just one file, but can serve an unlimited number.
This list can be controlled by the user to be displayed either horizontally or vertically.

  1. Attribs

The template works, whether there is a user assigned for a file, or one filename follows another.

  1. Emotab

The template displays a line of SVG emojis; Unicode characters/emojis can be displayed with the function Emodis.

Other iterations

  • Userlist: Userlist with many formatting parameters
  • Colorbox: ColorString and other color box templates
  • Legends : Legtab combines single Legends
  • Tleparms: the metatemplate Tle displays the parameter usage of a template
  • Navigate: Navcat navigates through color categories
  • Emodis 0: Emoji displays (one or many) Unicode characters
The function "emodis" displays Unicode characters / emojis; it can care for newlines, while
The function "emotab" displays a table of files / emojis.

The function "incrhx" increments a hexadecimal number (parm 1) by a decimal number (parm 2).
Valid numbers are assumed, no checking occurs !
When parameter 2 is preceded by a minus, the first number is decremented by the second one