Template:SDC statement has value

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Template for adding tracking categories based on SDC statements. It tests if SDC "property" is used in a statement and if the value matches "value"; if so then "matching_category" is added, if a different value is used then "mismatching_category" is added, and if the statement does not exist than "missing_category" is added. It should by used by other templates to verify if the expected SDC statement exists.


 |property             =
 |value                =
 |matching_category    =
 |mismatching_category =
 |missing_category     =

Template parameters

propertyproperty IDProperty ID to be tested: "P7482" for Template:P, or "P170" for Template:Pemptyrequired
valuevalueValue which should be used in the statement using "property", can a Wikidata item ID or a stringemptyrequired
matching_categorymatching categoryCategory name (without "Category:" prefix) to add if an SDC statement with "property" exists and any of its values matches "value"emptyoptional
mismatching_categorymismatching categoryCategory name (without "Category:" prefix) to add if an SDC statement with "property" exists and none of its values match "value"emptyoptional
missing_categorymissing categoryCategory name (without "Category:" prefix) to add if no SDC statement using "property" existsemptyoptional

Template for adding tracking categories based on Structured data for Commons (SDC) statements. It tests if SDC "property" is used in a statement and if the value matches "value"; if so then "matching_category" is added, if a different value is used then "mismatching_category" is added, and if the statement does not exist than "missing_category" is added. It should by used by other templates to verify if the expected SDC statement exists.

Template parameters

This template prefers block formatting of parameters.

matching categorymatching_category

Category name (without "Category:" prefix) to add if an SDC statement with "property" exists and any of its values matches "value"

mismatching categorymismatching_category

Category name (without "Category:" prefix) to add if an SDC statement with "property" exists and none of its values match "value"

missing categorymissing_category

Category name (without "Category:" prefix) to add if no SDC statement using "property" exists

property IDproperty

Property ID to be tested, like "P7482" or "P170"


Value which should be used in the statement using "property", can a Wikidata item ID or a string


Additional information

The template is intended to be used in the following namespaces: the Template namespace

The template is intended to be used by the following user groups: no user group specified

Relies on:
Module:SDC tracking
